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Deliveries and returns

The delivery and returns policy is important to ensure your satisfaction with the service.

We will resolve all your doubts and every obstacle to the success of the service.

Delivery policy

The deliveries of floral tributes and candles are carried out accurately and precisely by our trusted partner florists and we will assign the task to the one closest to the burial place you indicated to us to reduce delivery times within 48 hours.

Return Policy

Pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 52 et seq. of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005 n.206 ("Consumer Code"), the consumer can exercise the right of withdrawal within 14 days, or in the cases referred to in art. 52 paragraph 1-bis, after 30 days starting from the day on which the consumer places the order;


In the event that FloreMoria is unable to provide the service for any reason, such as if the tomb cannot be found, the money already sent will be returned to the consumer immediately.​

The right of withdrawal does not apply if the flowers have been delivered, as in the cases provided for by the art. 59 of the Consumer Code, in particular, in the case of purchasing goods that risk deteriorating or expiring rapidly (category of goods which includes flowers and plants).

To exercise the right of withdrawal, in the cases provided for, the consumer must send, within 14 days, the specific withdrawal form available and downloadable here and also available on the Website, by registered letter with return receipt.

In cases of confirmed withdrawal, FloreMoria will refund the payments received from the consumer, including standard delivery costs, within 14 days from the day on which it receives written communication from the consumer to withdraw from the contract pursuant to art. 54 of the Consumer Code.

FloreMoria will have the right to withhold the refund amount until it has received the bouquet of flowers or the candle from the consumer or until it has provided proof that it has returned it.

The consumer will be required to return the products to our office within 14 days from the day on which he communicated the withdrawal and to bear the direct costs for the return.

The consumer will be held responsible for the decrease in the value of the goods resulting from handling of the goods (other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and correct functioning).

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